PHP 5.3 新特性

  • Namespaces (documentation maybe out dated)


  • Lambda functions and closures


  • Addition of the intl, phar (phar is scheduled for some more work a head of alpha2), fileinfo and sqlite3 extensions


  • Optional cyclic garbage collection


  • Optional support for the MySQLnd replacement driver for libmysql


  • Windows older than Windows 2000 (Windows 98, NT4, etc.) are not supported anymore (details)

    不再支持Win2000以前的系统(Windows 98, NT4等等)

  • New syntax features like NOWDOC, limited GOTO, ternary short cut "?:"


    在我看来,此次版本步进,最大的意义在于上边的“命名空间”、“晚(静态)绑定”和MySQLnd,“命名空间”的呼声很高,早就应该加进去了;“晚(静态)绑定”现在还没看到实际东西,暂不做评论;至于MySQLnd,这个是MySQL官方出品的“Native driver for PHP”,针对这句话,官方是这么解释的

  • “native”: This doesn’t mean “written in PHP”; that would be too slow. PHP itself is a program written in C. Therefore “native” means this driver is written in C and tightly integrated into PHP at the C level. This allows the driver to achieve maximum performance (just like libmysql).


  • “driver”: This is not a new programming API or PHP extension; there are already three APIs (ext/mysql, ext/mysqli, PDO/MySQL) and three extensions, so there is no need for more. Rather, mysqlnd is a library that implements the MySQL low-level communication protocol. This library can be used by the existing extensions. Currently ext/mysql and ext/mysqli have been modified so they can optionally use mysqlnd instead of libmysql, and PDO/MySQL will be modified later.


  • “for PHP”: This is nothing new in the sense that libmysql is also for PHP. But mysqlnd is published under the terms of the PHP license whereas libmysql was not. Therefore, unlike with libmysql, there is no need for the FLOSS License Exception to make the license compatible with that of PHP. Those who recall the (partly heated) discussions about the exception might be especially happy to hear about this.

    与libmysql for PHP而言,这没什么变化,但MySQLnd基于PHP License发布而libmysql不是。因此,不再需要FLOSS License以使其兼容,对于提出这项内容的人而言是一个好消息。

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